
Review: sittingthesummerout – Brick and Mortar EP

You can always rely on Europe to bring it with the loud/quiet post-hardcore – but it’s always exciting when a band manages to put a unique spin on things.

Milan’s sittingthesummerout have done just that on the moody and atmospheric ‘Brick and Mortar’, which owes as much to the likes of La Dispute or Old Gray or Southtowne as it does Waterdown. As a result, it’s a wonderfully dynamic take on the tried and trusted. Indeed, from the gorgeously textured ‘Dry, Dry June’ to the cataclysmic conclusion of ‘Permanence’, this dynamism excites most and it truly marks sittingthesummerout as ones to watch.

Brick and Mortar by sittingthesummerout

Musically and stylistically, it’s great to see a band take so many risks – and succeed so often – but it’s also heartening to see a band invest just as much in the lyrics and concept as they do in a sound that wants to crush your skull. When they pull all of the threads together – like on the exceptional ‘To Those Concerned’ or ‘Nothing Changes in Baltimore’ – you’re left in no doubt about sittingthesummerout’s endless potential.

At times introspective and ‘talky’ – there’s a really interesting speak/sing approach that is utilised well throughout by vocalist Samir Batista – at others riff-heavy and supercharged, ‘Brick and Mortar’ hangs together wonderfully, ebbing and flowing as it thrashes around.

Throughout, Batista feels like he’s on the precipice – emphasised by moments of musical disquiet, such as that in ‘It Won’t Rain Forever’ – yet ‘Brick and Mortar’ never feels like a pantomime melodrama. Instead, it’s a thrilling and progressive take on a familiar sound – and it’s a winner from start to finish.


‘Brick and Mortar’ by sittingthesummerout is out now on Ghost Factory Records & Art.

sittingthesummerout links: Facebook|Bandcamp

Words by Rob Mair (@BobNightMair)


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